Proprietary technology
GreenView Fairway Formula Fertilizers utilize patented time-released nitrogen technology developed for and used by more than 50% of championship golf courses in the United States. GreenView has developed proprietary technology to provide a higher percentage of slow-release nitrogen than other brands. GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizer has approximately 59% to 65% slow-release nitrogen compared to less than 20% to 30% found in other brands. As a result the grass remains healthy and green over a longer period of time without the risk of excessive top growth, because the nitrogen releases into the soil at a slower rate. What this means to you, the homeowner, one application of GreenView Fairway Formula Fertilizer in the spring (lasts up to 12 weeks) and one application in the fall (lasts up to 16 weeks) provides a complete annual feeding program for lawns.
Two steps vs. a four step program
GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizer Weed & Feed with Crabgrass Preventer is a unique product that combines a crabgrass preventer and broadleaf weed control herbicide with the right amount of nitrogen in the fertilizer. In addition to killing and controlling over 200 lawn weeds, including dandelions, 65% of the nitrogen in this product is time-released. This means one (1) application of GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizer Weed & Feed with Crabgrass Preventer replaces the two (2) spring applications typically found in a 4-step program promoted by other brands.
Note: The special crabgrass preventer used by GreenView can be applied up to 4 weeks later than other crabgrass preventers and produce great results, because it not only prevents crabgrass seeds from germinating, it will also kill young crabgrass plants.
With the slow release nitrogen in GreenView Fairway Formula Spring Fertilizers, the lawn remains healthy and green over a longer period of time without the risk of excessive top growth, because the nitrogen in GreenView Fairway Formula Fertilizers release into the soil at a slower rate.
Universities recommend no nitrogen be applied to cool season grasses in the summer because lawns go dormant due to heat. This is why you can mow less frequently in the summer. If you have a grub or insect problem, a pesticide without fertilizer should be applied after you discover the condition.
GreenView Fairway Formula Fall Fertilizer incorporates .9 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. of nitrogen (for states with lower requirements) to 1.5 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. of nitrogen. With 59% of the nitrogen being extended-release (time-released, also slow release), one application of GreenView Fairway Formula Fall Fertilizer provides nutrients to the lawn throughout the fall. These nutrients help to rebuild the grass root system and store energy for a quick spring green-up!
Slow release nitrogen
Why can GreenView Fairway Formula Fertilizers supply the right amount of nitrogen in just two applications? GreenView Fairway Formula Fertilizers include slow release nitrogen components that feed the lawn for the full length of each season, spring and fall. Our patented and proprietary nitrogen technologies make this possible. Each of the components work differently and last for different lengths of time. By combining them we are able to offer time release feeding from immediately after application for quick greening, with continued feeding into the next 3 months.
Unique weed preventer and killer
This is a distinct advantage over other brands, since you will only need to make one spring application with GreenView.
Try using the GreenView 2-Step program this year:
Do you have trouble remembering to pick up the fertilizer each spring, have you ever missed an application? Let GreenView remember—check out the GreenView Lawn Plan.